Sitting here just hours before the clock strikes 12 and the world sings the words of my favorite Scottish poet Robert Burns, I am thinking of all of my acquaintances, my friends, and my family. What an incredible gratefulness swells in my heart when I consider the blessings God has poured out upon me. 2009 has truly been a year of new beginnings for me. This was the year that I stepped back into the nations, the year I first visited Africa, the year I reunited with dear friends and grew closer to new ones, the year I stepped out in new levels of faith, and a year of discovering new paths of my destiny unfolded from the loving heart of my Father. This year has brought me to 6 countries and 3 states. My sister had a beautiful baby girl; my baby brother started driving, my sister Micah got married and brought J.D. in as a great new brother; my nephews and nieces grew older and even cuter; and all of my family stood together through the joys and trials of life, encouraging one another in faith and love.
One of the unending reasons I love my Savior is that He came in love and sacrifice for ALL. Each human being on this planet has a real and complete need for the Lord, and one of the most special aspects of this year has been experiencing this wide spectrum. In Ethiopia, I got to spoon feed precious handicapped children in a Mother Theresa home, and back home in Texas I got to practically serve the wealthiest in Dallas as a waitress. Both were privileges of identifying with Jesus as I serve and love the ones He has created.
If 2009 was a year of transition, then I believe 2010 will be a year of . . . more transition, ha! Actually, though I expect more changes and adventures, it does have the feeling of settling in. More traveling and more doors to walk through, but being surer of walking into God’s deeper plans for my life brings a deep peace in my soul. On January 11, I head out again. I get to take a week to visit friends in Germany en route to Cyprus. Yes, I am returning to Cyprus! I will be on staff again with Gateways Beyond International. This year has the feeling of a new day as we have expanded to Geneva, Jerusalem, and Spokane, WA. We also will be in a new base and walking out a greater level of leadership on the island. Personally, I am also very excited about the new level of leadership in which I will be growing as I help lead the children’s ministry
Thank you to each of you who have been a part of this special year. Once again, I would like to ask you for your prayers. Please pray for the students in the GTS 2010 as they walk through a season of consecration and growing in Christ. Please pray for me as the Lord brings me to your mind, and if you feel led to be a personal intercessor please let me know! There is nothing more encouraging than to know that people are praying for me. Also, please let me know if you would like to support me financially this year. My monthly expenses will be $550, and I will also be raising funds for our trip to Israel in March and our outreach in May/June.
I am full of anticipation for the coming year and looking forward to communicating with you. May you be full of life, love, gratefulness, joy, and hope in Messiah with the coming of this New Year.
Hannah Briscoe
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To see a recap of 2009 in photos click on the following links: 2009 part 1; 2009 part 2